
I’ve fallen in love with a woman named Sally!

Yes its true, I’ve fallen in love! Her name is Sally and my husband is pretty happy about it. I just can’t stop telling everyone how brilliant she is.

It all started a few months ago when I purchased 30kgs of bananas and I knew it was time to find a new amazing banana bread recipe. So I stumbled across a blog called Sally’s Baking Addiction and I have not looked back. I am slowly working my way through her recipes and I have to say, every single recipe has been simple, well explained and so so so delicious!! Seriously check her out, you wont regret it I won’t write out the recipes as her blog includes it all. The only changes I made for dietary requirements were:
  • No egg (any banana recipes i simply left them out or otherwise used the Orgran Egg Replacer)
  • Used plain Gluten Free flour instead of suggested flour
  • Used almond milk instead of suggested regular milk
  • Used Original Nuttelex instead of butter
  • Dairy Free Choc chips instead
Best Ever Banana Bread (recipe here)
Honestly it is completely worth the 60 minute bake time, this is the best banana bread I have ever eaten… (okay maybe excluding some café ones which would be packed full of excess sugar and other processed nasties). I haven’t bothered with the frosting because frankly it just doesn’t need it. Yes okay I hear myself – clearly I’m crazy because frosting is always amazing but I just haven’t bothered. It lasts a good week in a container and also freezes very well (defrost in the fridge).
Cinnamon Swirl Banana Bread (recipe here)
So I have made this twice now, the second time was for my husbands birthday (at his request)- that is how much he loves it! Something about the crunch of the cinnamon swirl on the edges? He consumed it in about two days so of course I then made him the Banana Cinnamon Choc Chip Scroll Cake.
Banana Choc Chip Cinnamon Roll Cake (recipe here)
I personally didn’t try it as .. well it wasn’t my birthday. However he consumed it for breakfast, morning tea and afternoon tea over a very short time frame. Need I say more? The only note I have is I didn’t have the recommended 9 inch tin so I went with a 8 inch which didn’t allow for the dough to expand… next time I’ll try with my 10 inch. Also the icing was a little runnier than I’d normally like so will cut back on the milk next time.
Peanut Butter Banana Choc Chip Muffins (recipe here)
The mixture was a little bit denser compared to the other muffins, also not quite as sweet. I did use a natural Peanut Butter (100% peanuts only) which I think is the reason so next time I will use a generic PB. They are great for baking in advance and freezing for later!
Nutella Stuffed Cinnamon Sugar Muffins (recipe here)
Husband was out on a trail run for a few hours so I surprised him with these little beauties when he got home, wow he was so happy – possibly a top 3 finalist! We didn’t have any nutella so I put some dairy free choc chips in the center and they worked a treat. I was very impressed to see the dipping cinnamon butter mix was the perfect amount to cover all of the muffins – usually there’s an excess with these things. They smelt amazing – just like donuts!
Gingerbread Muffins (recipe here)
These were very simple to make, fortunately I had all the ingredients already in the cupboard as I love to make gingerbread at Christmas! Mixture made exactly 12 perfectly sized muffins, as per the recipe they don’t rise a great deal so fill the cups up. The lemon glaze oh yummy, i’m not sure if my lemon was just super juicy but I really didn’t need to add the milk at all. Again hubby was so very very happy and is currently gobbling them up!
Flat Bread (recipe here)
Yes hello I branched out and made savory, well we do love a good homemade pizza! I just used the flatbread portion of the recipe and we did our own margarita toppings. I actually used my mixer with the dough attachment which made it ridiculously easy to make and used Gluten Free flour. The texture is just so delicious, it is spongy inside and firm/ crisp outside. Do make sure you roll it out pretty thin before adding your toppings. If you’re a big fatty like us, you will need to double the recipe so you get two very decent sized pizzas. One quantity of the recipe is fine if you’re civilized or have sides like garlic bread, personally on its own it left us both wanting more. I didn’t take a photo as i was too busy eating it 🙂
Are you hungry yet? Go check out she also uploads little videos to instagram (@sallysbakeblog) of her baking … Be sure to let me know what you make 🙂

By Mrs Busy Bee To Three

30 year old housewife wanna be tackling clean eating, house renovations with 3 kids under 3 years old. Send help & funny memes.

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