DIY house renovations

Floor Lamp facelift – super simple DIY

I love a bargain especially when it comes to home wares and decor. So i was sitting in the lounge room thinking – the room needs something. Okay honestly the room needs quite a few things still but i’ll continue to add to it until i feel the room is complete. So i came to the conclusion that the room needs a bit more pops of colour and i focus in .. the floor lamp. I bought it from Kmart probably a year ago and it was on sale, so safe to assume around $20.00.


I start looking online to see about buying a new lamp shade, after countless sites i discover you can very easily recover it yourself. Off i go to spotlight, i purchase a can of spray adhesive and the most gorgeous material, yes it was love.


The steps are ridiculously simple, click here for a great tutorial i found on you tube.

  1. Lay out the fabric upside down on a flat surface and iron if needed.
  2. Roll the lampshade along the material and use a pencil to outline either side of the shade. Make sure your material design is the correct orientation for the end result (eg flowers are the correct way up).
  3. Cut at least  3-4 cm outside the template you have now drawn on the material.
  4. Spray the back side of the material and the lamp shade with a spray on adhesive (follow the instructions on the can). Ensure you lay down some paper so you don’t get adhesive everywhere (i put down cling wrap between the material and newspaper as i was paranoid the ink from the paper may rub onto the material.)
  5. Roll the lampshade onto the material and press down/ smooth as you go. When you get to the end fold over/ tuck under the end of the material.
  6. Spray the inner edges of the lampshade and fold over the material.


Reassemble the lampshade and then stand back and admire what a fantastic job you have done! Honestly i am so happy with how it turned out and how simple it was.


By Mrs Busy Bee To Three

30 year old housewife wanna be tackling clean eating, house renovations with 3 kids under 3 years old. Send help & funny memes.

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